Egera API
In Bitclude we care about developers, if you have any suggestions please share them at [email protected] please also note that due to the huge traffic passing through our servers, we try to use only specific trading communication.
To autenticate you can use your API keys which you can generate in 'account' tab, in case the keys leak please generate new one, if you will have probblem with that please contact [email protected].
You can generate keys admin panel
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
id | INT | false | It is account id, can be find in 'account' tab. |
key | STRING | false | It is token to authentication on API. |
Limitations and restrictions
Maximum number of calls
- Public API 600 calls within 10 minutes.
- Private API 300 calls within 10 minutes. Limits are calculated in relation to IP address.
If you wish to increase the limit, please contact us.
Public Data
"data": {
"market1": "BTC",
"market2": "PLN",
"timestamp": 1556101333
"bids": [
"asks": [
This endpoint allow you to get orderbook of single market
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Default | Values |
market1 | false | btc, ltc, bch ... |
market2 | false | btc, usd, eur ... |
"btc_pln": {
"bind": "crypto_fiat",
"last": "29008.57",
"ask": "1500.00",
"bid": "500.00",
"volumen": "0.02255062",
"max24H": "29008.57",
"min24H": "500.00",
"change": "96.61 %"
"ltc_btc": {
"bind": "crypto_crypto",
"last": "0.01395027",
"ask": "0.01404759",
"bid": "0.01395797",
"volumen": "0.01973978",
"max24H": "0.01395300",
"min24H": "0.01300340",
"change": "0.00 %"
This endpoint allow you to get whole ticker data for all currencies
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
This endpoint allow you to get history on one market
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Default | Values |
market1 | false | btc, ltc, bch ... |
market2 | false | btc, usd, eur ... |
Get info
"success": true,
"account": {
"nick": "[email protected]",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+48000000000",
"key_default": "..23082...",
"last_ip": "",
"state": "2",
"data": {
"name": "John",
"surname": "Kowalski"
"fee": {
"maker": "0",
"taker": "0"
"balances": {
"USD": {
"active": "0.01",
"inactive": "0.00"
"BTC": {
"active": "0.10458625",
"inactive": "0.00000000"
"deposit": {
"BTC": false,
"BCH": false,
"LTC": false
"has_address": true,
"debit_fee": "0.03"
This endpoint allow you to get basic information about account
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | info | Get information |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get history
"success": true,
"history": [
"currency1": "btc",
"currency2": "usd",
"amount": "0.00003251",
"time_close": 1516130375,
"price": "15380.22",
"fee_taker": "0",
"fee_maker": "0",
"type": "bid",
"action": "open"
"currency1": "btc",
"currency2": "usd",
"amount": "0.00003251",
"time_close": 1516130376,
"price": "15380.22",
"fee_taker": "0",
"fee_maker": "0",
"type": "bid",
"action": "open"
"currency1": "btc",
"currency2": "usd",
"amount": "0.00100000",
"time_close": 1516212758,
"price": "4.00",
"fee_taker": "50",
"fee_maker": "0",
"type": "bid",
"action": "open"
This endpoint allow you to get history of all your transactions.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | history | Get information |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get volumes
"success": true,
"volumes": [
"amount": "0.97140262",
"currency": "btc"
This endpoint allow you to get history of all your transactions.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | volumes | Get volumes |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get affiliation
"success": true,
"affiliate": {
"earned": 0,
"verified": "3",
"registered": "5",
"earnTabele": {
"usd": "320.00",
"eur": "0.00",
"gbp": "0.00",
"pln": "0.00",
"btc": "0.00205100",
"ltc": "0.00000000",
"bch": "0.00000000"
"list": []
This endpoint allow you to get history of all your transactions.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | affiliate | Get affiliations |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get deposits
"success": true,
"history": [
"time": "1530883428",
"amount": "0.13750000",
"type": "b787400027b4eae298bad72150384540a23342daaa3eec1c8d17459c103c6bbc",
"state": "1"
"time": "1530887151",
"amount": "0.06875000",
"type": "1cc2b5a1f05ffda29d669077e0c7aa23ee99be3bd767833a23d9ea8b6684dd3d",
"state": "1"
"time": "1531220889",
"amount": "1.10000000",
"type": "4b6ae6d18f670cda08245f610f36e4199ac889c9ab18eb085e2834d9a1dbddcf",
"state": "1"
This endpoint allow you to get information about deposits.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | deposits | Get deposits |
currency | btc, usd.. | Currency of deposits |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get withdrawals
"success": true,
"history": [
"time": "1528545117",
"amount": "0.99482707",
"tx": "",
"address": "2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF",
"state": "0"
"time": "1528715035",
"amount": "1.00000000",
"tx": "",
"address": "2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF",
"state": "0"
"time": "1528812738",
"amount": "0.00100000",
"tx": "",
"address": "2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF",
"state": "0"
"time": "1530883173",
"amount": "0.11589066",
"tx": "01b8ae6437843879574b69daf95542aff43a4aefaa90e8f70ebf572eccf01cad",
"address": "2N8hwP1WmJrFF5QWABn38y63uYLhnJYJYTF",
"state": "1"
This endpoint allow you to get information about withdrawals.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | withdrawals | Get withdrawals |
currency | btc, usd.. | Currency of deposits |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get limits
"success": true,
"limitMonthly": 0,
"limitYearly": 0
This endpoint allow you to get information about limits of user.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | limits | Get limits |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get socket token
"success": true,
"socket_token": "0ae37ce2b91ad93f59a5e1b28...."
This endpoint allow you to get information about your sockettoken.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | getsockettoken | Get limits |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Get wallets status
"success": true,
"btc": {
"last_block_time": "344353",
"node_status": "1",
"is_online": true,
"connections": "12",
"current_optimal_fee": "0.00002500",
"current_minimum_amount": "0.00100000",
"decimal_point": "8",
"id": "1",
"confirmations": "2"
"usd": {
"last_block_time": "0",
"node_status": "1",
"is_online": true,
"connections": "1",
"current_optimal_fee": "1.00",
"current_minimum_amount": "10.00",
"decimal_point": "2",
"id": "2",
"confirmations": "2"
"chf": {
"last_block_time": "0",
"node_status": "1",
"is_online": true,
"connections": "1",
"current_optimal_fee": "2.00",
"current_minimum_amount": "10.00",
"decimal_point": "2",
"id": "21",
"confirmations": "2"
This endpoint allow you to get information about currencies, minimum transfers, fees, and online status.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | getwalletsstatus | Get getwalletsstatus |
currency | btc, usd.. | Currency of deposits |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Withdrawal funds
"success": true,
"code": "5039",
"message": "withdrawal request has been submitted"
This endpoint allow you to get information about limits of user.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | withdrawal | Init withdrawal |
currency | btc, usd.. | Currency of deposits |
amount | STRING | Amount in string for eg. '10.00' |
address | STRING | IBAN or Cryptocurrency address |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Withdrawal funds - confirmation
"success": true,
"message": "withdrawal request has been submited"
This endpoint allow you to get information about limits of user.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | withdrawalconfirm | Confirm |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
token | STRING | Token send via email - eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Account login history
"0": {
"timestamp": "1556024864185000",
"ip": "",
"city": "Copenhagen",
"country": "Denmark",
"device": "Mozilla/5.0 (...)",
"status": "Correct standard authorization",
"country_code": "DK"
"success": true
This endpoint allow you to get information about login history.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | history | Confirm |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Freez account
"success": true,
"result": "Account freezed"
This endpoint allow you to freez your account.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | freeze | Confirm |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Active offers
"success": true,
"offers": [
"nr": "1053",
"currency1": "ltc",
"currency2": "btc",
"amount": "0.50000000",
"price": "0.00200000",
"id_user_open": "717998789",
"time_open": "1531132114012",
"offertype": "bid"
This endpoint allow you to get your current active offers.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | activeoffers | Get offers |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Check rate
"success": true,
"fulfilled": true,
"midRate": "524.15",
"endRate": "0.00",
"midAmount": "104.83",
"endAmount": 0,
"fee": "0.52",
"rate": "524.15",
"ratePublic": "524.15",
"amountReceive": "104.83"
This endpoint allow you to check rate of conversion.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | convertercheck | Confirm |
market1 | btc, usd.. | Currency from |
market2 | btc, usd.. | Currency to |
amount | STRING | eg. '10.00' |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
"success": true,
"code": "5067",
"fee": "0.07",
"amountReceived": "14.83",
"message": "Your coins has been successfully converted",
"ordersConsumed": {
"sell": [
"order": null
This endpoint allow you to simple convert your currencies.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | account | Read from account |
action | convert | Confirm |
market1 | btc, usd.. | Currency from |
market2 | btc, usd.. | Currency to |
amount | STRING | eg. '10.00' |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Buy [Limit]
"success": true,
"code": "5053",
"actions": {
"buy": [],
"order": "5880"
"message": "Order has been submited"
This endpoint allow you to buy orders with 'limit' order.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | transactions | Transaction statement |
action | buy | Buy on market base currency |
market1 | btc, usd.. | First currency of market naming |
market2 | btc, usd.. | Seconde currency of market naming |
amount | STRING | eg. '10.00' |
rate | STRING | eg. '5320.24' |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Sell [Limit]
"success": true,
"code": "5053",
"actions": {
"sell": [],
"order": "5880"
"message": "Order has been submited"
This endpoint allow you to sell orders with 'limit' order.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | transactions | Transaction statement |
action | buy | Buy on market base currency |
market1 | btc, usd.. | First currency of market naming |
market2 | btc, usd.. | Seconde currency of market naming |
amount | STRING | eg. '10.00' |
rate | STRING | eg. '5320.24' |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Cancel order
"success": true,
"code": "5053",
"actions": {
"sell": [],
"order": "5880"
"message": "Order has been submited"
This endpoint allow you to cancel your order
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
method | transactions | Transaction statement |
action | cancel | Cancel one offer |
order | INT | Id of offer |
typ | bid or ask | Type of offer |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Cancel all orders
"success": true,
"code": "5059",
"message": "All orders has been canceled"
This endpoint allow you to cancel all of your orders
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
method | transactions | Transaction statement |
action | cancelall | Cancel all offers |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
Bulk offers cancel
"success": true,
"code": "5059",
"message": "Orders has been canceled"
This endpoint allow you to bulkoffers cancel.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Value | Description |
method | transaction | Read from account |
action | canceloffers | Confirm |
bid | ARRAY | Offers ID, eg. ["1053","1054"] |
ask | ARRAY | Offers ID, eg. ["1055","1056"] |
id | INT | eg. 918872936 |
key | STRING | eg. '54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9...' |
WebSocket feed
The websocket feed delivers real-time market data updates for orders, trades, status and tickers.
Real-time market data updates provide the fastest insight into order flow and trades. This however means that you are responsible for reading the message stream and using the message relevant for your needs which can include building real-time order books or tracking real-time trades. The websocket feed is publicly available.
Subscribe and unsubscribe
op: "subscribe",
headers: {id: "39013", token: "54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9..."},
args: ["all"]
op: "subscribe",
headers: {id: "39013", token: "54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9..."},
args: [
"trades:BTC_USD" ,
Selection of the query option op
To start receiving fed messages, you must first send a subscribe
message to the server indicating which arguments do you want to receive.
op: "unsubscribe",
headers: {id: "39013", token: "54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9..."},
args: [
"trades:BTC_USD" ,
When you want to stop receiving information from some of the arguments, send an unsubscribe
message. The structure is similar to subscribe
op: "subscribe",
headers: {id: "39013", token: "54a44eb00b63f4d1cdde9..."},
args: ["all"]
For headers
we can specify the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | INT | eg. 71834 |
token | STRING | eg .54a44eb00b639... |
For args
we can specify the fallowing parameters:
{ action: "trade", symbol: "BTC_USD", size: "0.00230000", price: "1932.00", side: "Buy" }
eg. trades:BTC_USD
alt. trades:all
{ action: "orderbook", symbol: "BTC_USD", size: "0.00230000", price: "1932.00", side: "bid" }
eg. orderbooks:BTC_USD
alt. orderbooks:all
{ action: "connected", connected: 99, time: 1555327761477, telemtric: { last_server: 43, last_user: 32423} }
eg. connected
{ action: "ticker", symbol: "BTC_USD", last: "1932.00", volume: "0.32400000", change: "- 2.00%" }
eg. tickers:BTC_USD
alt. tickers:all
{ action: "execution", symbol: "BTC_USD", size: "0.00230000", price: "1932.00", side: "Buy" }
eg. executions:BTC
{ action: "balance", symbol: "BTC", value: {active: "0.00032333", inactive: "0.232333333"}}
eg. balances:BTC
alt. balances:all
{ action: order, symbol: "BTC_USD", prop: "new", price: "19203.32", size: "0.00012333", slide: "ask", id: 999}
{ action: order, symbol: "BTC_USD", prop: "remove", price: "19203.32", size: "0.00012333", slide: "ask", id: 999}
{ action: order, symbol: "BTC_USD", prop: "change", price: "19203.32", size: "0.00001000", slide: "ask", id: 999}
eg. orders:BTC_USD
alt. orders:all
{ action: deposit, symbol: "BTC", size: "0.01432432"}
{ action: withdrawal, symbol: "BTC", size: "0.01432432"}
eg wallets:BTC
alt. wallets:all